How to get Super Secret Badge 1 in Shoot and Eat Noobs – Roblox 2024

Credits: Panems

Here is a list of all steps required to get the badge

  • Step 1: kill shopkeeper
  • Step 2: Enter the painting and kill the neon shopkeeper
  • Step:3 After neon shopkeeper is dead, its head will be dropped on the floor (cannot be eaten), you are going to kick the head into the white room with your avatar
  • Step 4: one head is in, close the door and wait ten seconds for the challenge to officially begin (DO NOT TOUCH DOOR DURING 10s)
  • Step 5: time the third noise the eat tool makes (ahh) with the same noise the shopkeeper makes when damaged to be at the same time (if not timed right it will damage you, recover by eating turkey wings) (IF it looks like your character has teleported upward you begin to become more glitchy you have moved up a floor)
  • Step 6: continuously repeat step 5 until you reach 99th floor while countering the things that try to kill you
  • Step 7: keep going until your tool evolves into AHHH tool, once this happens an obby appear, complete it and you will teleport to another game, Super secret badge 1 is now yours

IMPORTANT-Your eat tool will begin to change to say different things as your start reaching different floors ex. Eat > eat? > eaht

IMPORTANT – the head falling out of the room will make it so where you need to reset the server to try again

Once the challenge begins, these are the 7 things that try to kill you and how to counter them Several bas heads can spawn in the room on respective walls.

  • OPEN DOOR: door opens and you begin to slide out (counter it by just closing the door by clicking)
  • GRAY HEAD: The gray head randomly appears where the door is and opens the door, pulling players to it and damaging any players character that comes into contact with it (counter it by clicking on it until it disappears and the closing the door)
  • YELLOW HEAD: appears opposite of the room from the door, expanding until it pushes you out (counter it by rapid clicking on it – can be done by one person as the game is supposed to be able to be soloed) BLUE HEAD: You will hear a knocking noise, if you don’t open the door quickly the blue cube will show up, setting your health to one (Counter it by opening the door, clicking on the blue cube until it disappears and close the door after its gone) [if your health is set to one eat turkey legs as fast as possible as a gray cube spawning right after is a deadly combo]
  • BLACK HEAD: a VERY loud noise will play and the door will swing open and you see a black head, insta-killing you if you don’t react in time (counter it by clicking on it until its gone and slamming the door shut as quick as possible)
  • BLACK HEAD 2: appears where yellow head appears (opposite side of room from door) it is much the same as yellow but requires more clicks to defeat it and makes a VERY loud noise while present and when its defeated
  • WHITE HEAD: removes the door while its there, vacuuming you and the bas head into the void if you aren’t quick (counter by rapid clicking it until it disappears)

Bonus tip(s): Have one person use hatred at a time, and when head is dropped have only one person move it at a time and when the run begins, put your hatred tool in your backpack to prevent accidentally using it and pushing other people out. Make sure that everyone participating in your run has specific roles or positions, helps with progressing faster (aka someone clicks on the head, someone closes the door) ITS HEAVILY RECOMMENDED EVERYONE HAS MINIGUN AND HATRED IF THEY PARTICIPATE IN YOUR RUN

EXTRA INFO: opening and closing the door for no reason will cause you to go down a floor, spamming it will reset the run, also resettable if everyone in the white room dies. (I personally recommend a small avatar to prevent/greatly lowering the chances of no-clipping) The head falling out of the room makes the run unplayable, resetting the server is the only option. Click the head to freeze it for 2 seconds to prevent it from falling out

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