The Most Overpowered Glitches In A Dusty Trip Roblox

A Dusty Trip on Roblox has captivated the imagination of players with its vast open world and intricate gameplay mechanics. This well-known platform engages a player in an adventure through a series of challenging quests and landscapes. 

Its unique blend of exploration and strategy has managed to gather a dedicated community that strives to explore and conquer the games’ many challenges constantly. However, alongside its appeal, a dusty trip is also known for its myriad of glitches, some of which can significantly change the gameplay experience, giving players unexpected advantages.

Also check out All The Rare Items in A Dusty Trip Explained!

What can be defined as a glitch?

Let’s start with the basics!

A glitch is an unexpected fault in a game’s code that causes it to behave in ways not predicted by the developers. These faults can lead to visual bugs and disturbance in gameplay mechanics. In the context of video games like “A Dusty Trip, glitches can range from harmless and amusing quirks to significant issues that can be utilized for selfish reasons. 

For example, a visual glitch might cause a character’s appearance to be distorted, while a gameplay glitch such as the Infinite Jump Glitch can allow players to bypass normal game restrictions. While glitches are quickly mended by developers to maintain game balance and integrity, others persist, becoming part of game culture and lore. Gamers often share and seek out these glitches, either for novelty and amusement they provide or to gain a strategic edge in competitive environments. 

  1. The Hand-made Car

There is a glitch in Roblox that allows you to create your own make-shift car without needing an actual car, with just tires and a flat surface. All you need to do is place down tires in a square pattern on top of the flat surface. Place 4 of them around as shown below:

Now, once you’ve put this thing together, all you need to do is stand in the middle of it and crouch. Now, by just pressing normal walking controls, you will be able to travel at high speeds around the map. Keep in mind that you don’t need to sprint; just walk.

It is quite difficult to understand at first, but with more practice, you’ll be able to nail down this glitch consistently and travel around the map without an actual car. You can even flip the car around if it accidentally flips over; just crouch under it and push it over till it’s upright again.

This glitch is really useful for beginners who haven’t gotten their hands on a car yet. But you should also note that it’s not that useful for traveling longer distances, like 10 to 20km.

  1. OP Stealing Trick

Brace yourself for an eating trick that will not only fulfill your hunger but also keep you safe from the guns. In order to exploit this glitch, you will need to go inside the shop and place a loaf of bread near the wall cracks. As you know, taking the bread without buying can get you killed quite easily by the security.

This is why we will grab this loaf through the previously mentioned cracks in the walls while standing on the other end of it. This will allow you to deceive the guards, and through more practice, you will be able to pull off this glitch more often. Note that it is very important for you to park your car carefully behind the shop so you can take off directly as soon as you steal the bread.

This glitch has proven to be quite beneficial for many, especially when they are low on money but need to level up their hunger status. Since not much can go wrong here, players should be able to get the hang of it pretty quickly.

  1. The Invisible Car

Did you know you can create an invisible car in A Dusty Trip Roblox? To make this glitch work, you’ll have to first set up the Lada car with all the doors and gear it needs to work. After the car is working, drive it over to a shop near you and get it stuck between two yellow poles, as shown below.

Once your car can no longer move forward, get out and remove the tires. Then, push it from the back to try and get it through the gap between the poles. If needed, you can remove the doors as well. Keep pushing from the back till you successfully manage to push it all the way inside the shop.

Once the car is inside, your goal is to sell its body. To achieve this, you need to place one of the doors in such a position that it acts as a ramp to lead the car onto the selling station.

If everything is done correctly, the selling station will show a price of 7 caps for the car. If this is the case, then congratulations, you’ve set up the glitch correctly. Now, once you sell the body of the car, all you’ll be left with are the floating parts that were attached to it.

You can now sit in the car as if it’s still there and drive away like normal! Be careful when driving in windy weather, though, since the wind will easily blow your car away because of how light it is without the body.

3. Caps Trick 

Now for the best part!

Let’s take a look at the possibilities the caps trick holds for you. What you need to do first is to gather and collect car parts from the house at spawn and load them up in one place. Loading the flying door is very crucial for this glitch; hence do not forget that.

Now, once fully loaded, drive to a nearby shop and start collecting all the good items that are available to purchase on the counter. Note that certain shops can be quite disappointing, so in that case, just look for a better alternative where you can find good loot.

Remember the car parts we collected? Start assembling them all in a wall at the shop as now, they will act as a shield from the guns. Not only will they shield you, but they will also suck up all the damage from the guns. 

Keep in mind that the flying door you picked up from the shop will be of most benefit now as all the parts can be attached to it for it acts like a car. Once done with a building, investigate all the spaces where bullets can easily come through. 

Be very careful because the parts can very easily be shot as they have limited HP. Pick a safe corner, crouch down, and reach for the lever to collect the payout. While the gun is reloading, quickly run outside behind the shop to park your car behind.

The Caps Trick: What to look out for

  • First and foremost, there is a very small spot at the back of the shop where the guns can’t shoot you. We recommend that you get a feel for this spot first before you start the exploit properly. This is because any slight movement can get you killed, making the whole thing useless.
  • It is important to place the items properly on the selling station to get the most amount of caps out of them.
  • You can use other players as human shields if you really need to. Although we don’t recommend that you do this, because you should always be a good sport!
  • Lastly, you can also use parts like a car door as a temporary shield to block bullets. Be careful, though, since these items have limited HP and will break if they take too much damage.

To Summarize

Glitches in A Dusty Trip can be both fun to play around with and really practical as well. All of them require some practice before you can start pulling them off consistently, so make sure you put the time and effort into learning them! We wish you good luck in pulling off these glitches in your next game of A Dusty Trip in Roblox!

Shizza Khalid
Shizza Khalid
Articles: 15